February 23, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

3 Journeys of 3 Journalists

Jon Stewart made waves across the planet this week when he finally stated the obvious in front of all of us. Thankfully, the former Star of ‘The Daily Show’ was able to make a rare public appearance to set the record straight on something that has been inexcusably elusive for almost a year. The idea that this mysterious ‘Bat Virus’ likely leaked from the local Wuhan Laboratory where they were conducting “Gain of Function” research the whole time. Jon has long been the voice of reason for the left, and apparently the only one with the guts to think independently. It’s no wonder at all why he resigned from his news show when he did, even at its height in his prime. He could have been in the seat that his former employee Stephen is sitting in, but notice the contrast between the two of them in this spectacle. Colbert may have gained more money and fame, but he’s also a controlled corporate hack at the end of the day. Jon Stewart can say what he wants to, because he’s a free man now.

Here is Ivory Hecker, a reporter for Fox26 in Houston turned whistleblower against her former employer. Tired of the suppression, she secretly recorded the way things really work on the inside of a Network News Team. Real journalism is just no longer embraced these days. Stick to the scripts or prepare to be replaced. Thankfully, she chose bravery over security and reported her exclusive story to Project Veritas.

Finally we have Nick Watt of the BBC. He probably receives a nice paycheck to peddle propaganda to the public from across the pond. But is it really worth it in the end? Watch what happens when the crowd begins to turn on him. If these corporate journalists are ever caught up in their misinformation someday, how will the people hold them accountable?


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