Today’s show begins with a disturbing video showing what appears to be a battle scene between a professional military unit and some mysterious dog-like creatures in the dark. Is this some kind of Hollywood hoax? Or could this finally be proof of alleged underground warfare that has been rumored about for a while now? Could these be some kind of engineered hybrid monstrosities designed by the Annunaki to keep mankind in line? It makes for some interesting conversation regardless, and we have our own psychic-medium on the show today for a second look at this. We also cover the latest news and current events with ‘Casey’s Corner’ and much more with free psychic readings!
2 thoughts on “Defeating the Devil Dogs?”
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G’day Blake
just want to let you know the last time i could watch You, Mike and Casey was Thurs 17 June 2020. – that was on,
Since Friday the 18 June the “real news live” wont play on any of these 3 channels -The Next Level News, Mike Bara Official or Oddysee ?
The video is there on each sight and i hit the play button but it just buffers and that’s all.
Has Mike changed something like the file type? I also went to Mike Bara 3 on youtube but there were only 3 old videos there.
Just want to let you know, hope you can fix.
Regards, Aussie Rod, from the land down under.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention Rod, it seems that Odysee has been a bit slow and glitchy lately. Unfortunately, we have been forced to pull our shows off of YouTube almost immediately after finishing. We are exploring new options and have started a Facebook channel, and are working on uploading more shows to Rumble. Thanks for your patience and support!