March 31, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Deceptive Despot Declaration!

Puppet (P)resident Joe Biden declared a war of sorts on the unvaccinated population yesterday. Setting mandates for people to comply with the experimental injections or risk losing their jobs in the process! Could we wait a little longer to settle the science on this first? Especially with the shocking statistics contradicting the heavily vaccinated Israel? Or observing the alarming authoritarianism in Australia? The Fascism in France? Apparently not, so let’s listen to Joe read words off the teleprompter…

Did Joe just break another promise? Let’s flashback to last December…

Frustrated with the unvaccinated masses? Why, aren’t the vaccinated protected already?

Who elected Joe to be Despot of the United States? Did he just threaten State Governors that dare get in the way of his executive power?

The final whisper before he walks away… No questions!

Press Secretary Jen Psaki walks away from challenging questions too:

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