March 31, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

The Damning Delta Discrepancy!

It is difficult to make sense out of the COVID statistics when there is vastly different data and disagreements from each side of the issue. One group take the CDC counts as gospel and wouldn’t dare question anything from “credible” and “trustworthy” doctors like Anthony Fauci. This group also believes that hospitals are getting overwhelmed by the unvaccinated, as they selfishly spread new variants that are prolonging the pandemic.

The other side might say that we are not being properly informed about the reality of the situation. That alarming statistics from other countries (Ireland & Israel for example) are reporting that most of the new outbreaks are originating from the fully vaccinated. There are other reports claiming that the actual number of adverse reactions are being suppressed severely or going unreported altogether!

Did the “Delta” strain even exist before the vaccine? What about any of the other variants? The numbers don’t lie, but people can surely lie about the numbers. That said, what are the real figures officially? It all depends on who you ask, so how about listening to a real-world Funeral Director that has found himself in the middle of this mess? It’s an interesting perspective you won’t want to miss. Meet John O’Looney as he blows the whistle on real-life statistics that he has personally witnessed:

Update: John has been served a suspension due to complaints about his outspoken activities!

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