March 25, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level


“The Next Level News” was created at the beginning of the Pandemic in 2020 by Blake Walley, an independent journalist that was suddenly stuck in Los Angeles. They said the lockdown would last two weeks, but the world has not been the same again since. It was like living in a bad Hollywood movie while actually living in Hollywood. Regardless, it also appeared to be the perfect time to fire up another media project and begin documenting this incredible new era of life on Earth.

Blake Walley is a writer, reporter and producer. An idealist and truth-seeker obsessed with the future. A new media trailblazer and outside-the box-thinker. Former Las Vegas bartender influenced by Gonzo journalism. Inspired, eccentric, and always up for a challenge. Blake has been making waves for 10 years with his original analysis and creative style.

Extended Bio: Born in Minneapolis and raised in St. Paul, Blake left college early to focus on mixology until he eventually “wrote his first hit screenplay.” Then he moved to Nevada and spent 15 years working as a bartender on the Las Vegas strip. However, 9/11 changed everything and Blake gradually evolved into an activist and journalist. After roughly ten years of research, he began to apply his knowledge and skills to work in the independent media. Blake created the Eccentric Perspective blog in early 2011, and soon became a contributor for the Activist Post. He is a published writer that has been featured on some of the top alternative media outlets. After his first year blogging, Blake advanced into radio by joining the Freedomizer Network and hosting live news shows three days a week.

Blake frequently collaborates with Brian Engelman of The New American Media, and they have participated in several memorable media events throughout the country. After bouncing around for a while, Blake relocated to Los Angeles in 2019. Following the lockdown, he helped build Real Deal Media as a producer and reporter. That assignment was reformed into Real News Live with host and author Mike Bara of Ancient Aliens. The Next Level News is Blake’s latest project and archive for his media creations.

Who is Blake Walley?

A Selection of Media Highlights:

  • Captured election fraud at the Nevada State Republican Convention when the Mitt Romney campaign attempted to swindle Ron Paul delegates with phony ballots.
  • Covered the Bundy Ranch Rebellion in 2014 and played a supporting role behind the scenes during the trial phase in 2017.
  • Reported on the road at both the Republican and Democratic National conventions from Cleveland and Philadelphia during the historic election of 2016!
  • Wrote an unbeatable persuasive argument on why Donald Trump deserved to be President.
  • Accurate, almost prophetic predictions on what to expect from the Quarantine Quagmire. The “Next Level” of Infotainment and first official report from the rebrand.
  • Attended and documented events from the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th!
  • Created a controversial crash course on the Constitution and American way. A Revolutionary refresher program for everyone!
  • Launched a 9 episode weekend highlight series; Woke World Weekend Wrap-Up!

Welcome to the Next Level.

Have any questions, concerns, ideas, tips, inquiries etc?

Email: Blake (at) (responses could be limited)

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