February 24, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Police State of Australia!

Society is collapsing in Australia as they devolve into their new Dystopian future. The following videos look like something out of a movie, but they are all very real from September of 2021. This first clip is of people getting chased through a park by police:

From the video’s description: “Chaos outside the Shrine of Remembrance War Memorial in Melbourne, Australia as cops try and shut down a protest against COVID restrictions.”

The police “protecting and serving” the community:

This resident refused to comply with the intimidation tactics:

Now the military have been called in for assistance, and they don’t play well with others:

The “resistance” have been wearing ‘orange’ similar to the ‘yellow vest’ movement in France. Unfortunately, these orange clad rebels are an easy target for the over-aggressive authorities:

One police officer was questioned by a citizen to get his thoughts on the situation. His explanation was very revealing, but seemed a bit short-sighted on the bigger picture of the situation:

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