Gas prices have hit record levels this week as tensions rise worldwide over the conflict in Ukraine. However, Putin isn't...
Blake Walley
Project Veritas has recently exposed new truths about the facts of the "insurrection" at the Capitol on January 6th, and...
Topics on this special presentation of Real News Live: Bizarre image of U.S. ambassador to the U.N. raises alarm. Is...
Topics on this special edition of Woke World Weekend Wrap-Up: Could we have avoided the possibility of World War 3...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was preparing for a speech with University students when he suddenly gave them the option to...
Joe Biden made his first official State of the Union Address this week as presumed (P)resident. Although he did manage...
There was a brilliant Saturday Night Live sketch launched recently displaying the awkward tension of presumed "liberals" coping with a...
Topics on this special edition of Saturday Night Livestream: The other side of the Ukraine story that you'll never hear...
Topics on Today's Broadcast of Woke World Weekend Wrap-Up Episode #4: Russia Invades Ukraine: Is this World War 3?The New...
Prime Minister Justin (Castro) Trudeau reluctantly backed off from his dictatorial "emergency powers" after he used and abused them on...