It's a last minute 4th of July music blog featuring James Brown, Rocky Balboa and Ivan Drago! An iconic American...
Blake Walley
Today's show begins with the alarming new alerts that people have been receiving on Facebook recently, warning about posts portraying...
Today is the first of July, which officially makes it "Canada Day" apparently. Not quite a birthday, not really an...
Today's show begins with the latest in useless UFO disinfo. Why do they keep putting this stuff on television anymore...
Tucker Carlson made a huge announcement on his Monday Night Broadcast when he claimed that the NSA was spying on...
Today's show begins with the "Infuriatingly Dishonest" message from the NSA in response to Tucker Carlson's allegations that he reported...
This is a rare and difficult to find video clip from February 2020, about a month before the Pandemic lockdown...
The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) finally released their highly anticipated UFO report last Friday. Some were speculating significant disclosures,...
There was an enormous rally on Saturday in defiance of the extended Lockdown in London. In case you missed it,...
Mike is back from a 3 day absence to join psychic-medium Jennifer Fallaw for "Free Reading Friday!" There has been...