February 23, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

BLM Blame Game

Terrible news out of Minnesota again as another young black man was shot and killed by a white officer during a traffic stop. Officer Kim Potter tried reaching for her taser, but grabbed her firearm instead. It appeared to be a terrible mistake, but rioting and looting are well underway… again. First reports from BLM claimed that Daunte Wright was targeted for being black and pulled over for having his air freshener installed improperly or something. But it turns out later that he had expired tags and an outstanding warrant. He also resisted arrest. It’s a terrible tragedy regardless, but let’s take a look at the facts before we rush to judgment.

As you can see, the facts and pictures paint a different picture. And the warrant was for armed, aggravated robbery. It’s a shame that this event ever happened, but not too terribly surprising either. Here is another take…

These shootings are unfortunate, but also mostly preventable. This classic Chris Rock bit drives that point home with a simple outline of how to avoid these kinds of situations.


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