There was another epic scene with people standing up against the Covid Cops again. Canadian restaurant owner Rebecca Williams and...
Today is April 6th, officially making it the 27th anniversary of a very special sports controversy. It was a football...
There was a remarkable Passover story this year when 'Covid Cops' in Canada were caught harassing a congregation with medical...
Major League Baseball has given into the demands of radical "progressive" activists and "woke" corporations to relocate their 'All-Star Game'...
Shortly before the 2020 election, the 'New York Post' was punished by Twitter for breaking the 'Hunter Biden Laptop' story....
Yes, this is an actual congresswoman from the year 2021 by the name of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She has been a...
Lil Nas X has been in the news a lot lately, but not for the most glamorous reasons. Unless you...
(P)resident Joe Biden finally made his first press conference yesterday, and at least he survived it apparently. I would say...
It's frightening to see what 'woke' progressivism looks like in real life. But let's try to force ourselves to watch...
Please check out the following clip of vice-(p)resident Kamala Harris as she boards 'Air Force Two.' Notice the way she...