Here is another case of contrasting commanders as we compare two clips of two presidents. One of them is a Globalist, and the other is a Nationalist. Can you spot the difference?
(P)resident Joe mentioned the NWO in a speech earlier in the week. The NWO as in the New World Order. A long-running theory about a secret cabal of elites conspiring to rule over the world. A sort of Neo-Feudalistic future where the helpless serfs are ruthlessly micro-managed by ludicrously wealthy control-freaks forever.
Was it a slip of the tongue, or is old Joe giving us a preview to our new future coming soon? Now let’s examine a statement from 45th President Donald Trump in a speech days later. A political populist riffing off-the-cuff:
Quite the contrast! Donald doesn’t appear too excited about World Government, but he does write mean tweets to the Elite. Which candidate would you prefer if you could do things over again?
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