September 26, 2024


Welcome to the Next Level

Critical Credibility Crisis

Welcome to another edition of ‘Toxically Masculine Tuesday.’ Today we jump back in the ring to talk about Marvelous Marvin and his recent vaccine. His wife has gone public to insist that he passed away from natural causes, and not due to his immunization injection for Covid-19. Even though it seemed to happen immediately. Of course the dopes at Snopes have already claimed these rumors to be false (to the surprise of no one). Regardless, there has been an alarming number of medical maladies arising from the AstraZeneca vaccine. The Australian Navy has suffered some serious complications, including from the country’s very own Health Minister! The controversial and experimental shots have now been suspended by several European nations.

In other news, there seems to be a critical credibility crisis with every conceivable political issue lately. From the efficacy of vaccines, the election processing, and whether Antifa even exists or not. There also appears to be a staggering humanitarian crisis brewing on the border. Or not, depending on which news outlet you trusted. Hopefully not the Washington Post, where journalism has long been dead in darkness. They were finally forced to issue another reluctant retraction, this time to their nemesis Donald Trump. A little too late, but about what we can expect from what’s left of the ‘Legacy’ media these days.

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