September 25, 2024


Welcome to the Next Level

Deliberately Dumbing People Down on Pi Day?

Topics on Today’s Broadcast of The Agree To Disagree Show:

  • Could Russian jet collision w/ U.S. drone over Black Sea escalate WW3?
  • Does Federal Reserve financial system seem safe after recent bank fails?
  • Do people seem to be getting dumber? Is there an easy solution for this?
  • Is it a good time to sell Bitcoin after Jim Cramer’s new warning on CNBC?
  • Was the event of ‘Jan 6’ set up as an emergency to “culminate the coup?”
  • Could President Trump regret his former decision to endorse DeSantis?
  • Should doctors be held criminally liable for the “transitioning” of kids?
  • These stories and much more on this episode of A2D!

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