March 30, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Executive Exchange?

Some people believe that we are living through an Interregnum period right now. A rare and temporary governmental phenomenon where it is unclear who is actually running everything. In this case, two opposing leaders may both be in power simultaneously. Even though one appears to be in charge officially, the other could actually be the one that takes over eventually. For example, what if there was an election where an extremely unpopular and corrupt candidate received a record number of votes, and pulled off a huge upset victory over a beloved incumbent populist? It would certainly seem suspicious to some, and should deserve a second look. Maybe even a thorough forensic audit of the entire voting process if necessary. But what happens if that corrupt puppet was actually caught cheating?

Let’s play along and take a look at the first leader, the “official” (p)resident at the moment. Here he was speaking after his G7 weekend get-together with other Globalist elites, including the Queen.

Wow, was Joe Biden high on Ambien or something? That, or he seems to be losing his faculties very badly. Either way, this was a terrible showing here, and it was a very long and awkward weekend for him.

Here is another fresh example of Joe’s alarming cognitive decline, are we absolutely positive that 81 million verified voters really chose this guy?

Now compare Joe’s performance with 45th President Donald Trump speaking to MyPillow Mike Lindell about the election in question. He did not attend G7 last weekend, and was probably out celebrating instead. Because today also happens to be his 75th Birthday!

Regardless of how the results might turn out in the end, which one seems more presidential to you in this moment? Who would you rather have as your leader right now and going forward?

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