January 24, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Flaming Financial Terrorist Trudeau?

The occupation situation in Canada has escalated substantially as Prime Minister Justin (Castro) Trudeau doubles-down against the peaceful trucker convoy in Ottawa. There has been plenty of opportunity for the “leader” to meet with the working class citizens and address their concerns about the ongoing lockdown and vaccine mandates. However, he has chosen to flee the scene like a coward and issue threatening statements instead.

Here he is joined by his Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland to call for new emergency powers to be used against the Freedom convoy. It’s a chilling abuse of authority that has to be seen to be believed:

In summary:

  • The Federal Government needs more tools to get situation under control.
  • A “need” to strengthen all levels of law enforcement across the country.
  • Police permission to restore order against “illegal occupations.”
  • Imposing fines and imprisonment and the towing of vehicles
  • Financial institutions authorized to prohibit (financial) support of blockades
  • Broadening the scope of anti-money laundering and “terrorist” financing rules including crowd-funding platforms and even digital assets (crypto) of “illicit funds.”
  • Authorization of financial institutions to temporarily cease financial services if they suspect that an account is being used to fund “illegal blockades and occupations.”
  • A bank will be able to freeze or suspend an account without a court order.
  • If your truck is being used in this demonstration, your corporate accounts will be frozen and your insurance will be suspended.
  • “Responsible leadership” requires us to do this.

The Police Chief of Ottawa has since resigned his position. Perhaps because he is unwilling to obey unlawful orders from a petty dictator against peaceful people protesting an important cause?


Here is a one minute synopsis from Ben Swann regarding this fascinating development:

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