February 23, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Over the Top Down Under!

The people of Australia and New Zealand are under the most absurd display of tyranny that the world has ever witnessed before. It looks completely ridiculous, and is all part of an extreme overreaction to the supposed spread of the “pandemic.” There is an oppressive quarantine, extreme mask-mandates, and even COVID Camps under construction! This could be hilarious if it were some sort of silly B-movie, but it’s absolutely real and must be terrifying to experience. It’s infuriating to watch disarmed and helpless innocents being bullied by their police. However, you would never believe the over-the-top authoritarianism if you couldn’t see it for yourself…

Here are Australian Police Officers pepper-spraying kids for mask misbehavior:

Is the Australian Government planning to vaccinate 24,000 children at a stadium over the weekend without their parents present? Grasp this opportunity, don’t waste it!

There is a new rule in place for those that enjoy going to outdoor pubs to drink and socialize with other people. Remember when that used to be a routine activity that you could do indoors too?

The entire country of New Zealand has recently reinstated another full-lockdown because one person came down with COVID? Now, you’re not even allowed to talk to your neighbors? Can this really be happening in real life right now?

How can the people down under put up with this madness? Is there any limit to the absurdity or tyranny?

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