September 26, 2024


Welcome to the Next Level

Rare Earthquake Rocks Melbourne!

Topics on Wednesday’s Edition of Real News Live:

  • Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake strikes Australia. Could it be a false flag weapon of some kind?
  • Frustrations from the Press as (P)resident Joe Biden’s staff refuse to let them ask questions!
  • Peasant protestors in front of “Royal” Rothschild Castle get sprayed with water cannons!
  • Australian police fire rubber bullets and pepper balls at citizens gathering!
  • Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri resigns as Arizona audit is set to announce!
  • These stories and more with live ‘Q & A’ on “Tell the Truth Wednesday!”

Protestors sprayed in front of Rothschild Castle Compound in Switzerland?

Citizens under siege in Australia!

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