January 24, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Revelations & Retractions

Shortly before the 2020 election, the ‘New York Post’ was punished by Twitter for breaking the ‘Hunter Biden Laptop’ story. The Post proclaimed that Hunter had brought his computer into a shop for repairs, but never came back to pick it up. After his deadline passed, the shop owner went through the forgotten machine and made a number of disturbing discoveries. Some of them actually appeared criminal in nature, involving illicit drugs and illegal sex. There were also alarming emails about some shady business dealings with foreign interests. Regardless, this was a potentially devastating development that could have derailed his father’s campaign for president. However, the ‘liberal’ media refused to cover the scandal because it was ‘Russian disinformation’ or something. NPR even released a statement claiming that they would not report on these allegations because they had already been ‘discredited’ by sources in U.S. Intelligence.

Today (roughly six months later), NPR was finally forced to issue a retraction. The story was never discredited, and had nothing to do with ‘Russian disinformation.’ The media ignored or lied about the information, and the people trying to tell the truth were censored, suspended and banned from speaking out on social platforms. Does that count as election interference? Because it should.

Hunter finally emerged from his hibernation and spoke to the press about it. What do you think?

Note: What kind of pictures were allegedly on Hunter Biden’s Laptop? Scroll down for a preview, but be warned as the content may be disturbing for some…








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