March 9, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Slow Scripted Senility

(P)resident Joe Biden stayed up late to address congress on live television last night. It was very similar to a ‘State of the Union Address,’ but technically wasn’t one officially. The whole scene was a strange situation to witness, with the mask wearing Speaker and VP sitting in front of a smattering of Senators all socially distanced. It was quite a contrast from the last official ‘SOTU,’ featuring an animated and dynamic Donald Trump versus a flustered and defeated Nancy Pelosi having a melt-down and tearing up papers!

Joe’s speech was actually very reminiscent of Obama’s multiple SOTU’s from the past. Not much of a surprise there, since it was mostly the same administration anyway. And like his predecessor, it was about an hour’s worth of tired talking points and hollow promises. Except without any of Obama’s energy, charisma or speaking skills. Plus what looks like it might be dementia.

They call him “Sleepy Joe” for a reason, and this address was about as soft and stale as it gets. Does this man sound fit to be ‘leader of the free world to you?’ Senator Ted Cruz struggled to stay awake through this, and he was not alone.

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