February 23, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Surges and Supremacists?

Yes, this is an actual congresswoman from the year 2021 by the name of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She has been a champion for radical ‘left-wing’ causes, and an outspoken supporter for the children on the border. However, she is a raging hypocrite and useful-idiot that has no business representing real Americans in Washington. She was quite vocal during the Trump administration over the housing conditions for illegal immigrants. However, she has been mysteriously silent since (p)resident Biden’s border policies have created a full-blown humanitarian crisis.

Alexandria finally ‘spoke’ (on Instagram) to the public with the following video. Not to acknowledge the severity of the problem or anything, just to point out that we shouldn’t call a surge ‘a surge’ because they aren’t ‘insurgents.’ A completely useless clarification, but what can we expect from someone with the mentality of a ten year old? It’s also hilarious to watch her laugh around 30 seconds in when she tries to shift the blame on ‘white supremacists.’ Surprise! Does she really believe her own BS?

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