Today's show begins with some exciting rumors around Niagra Falls early this morning. It's not unusual for an occasional fireworks...
Today is the 75th birthday of 45th President Donald Trump. It also happens to be 'Flag Day' and perhaps the...
Today's 'Free Reading Friday' show starts by scrutinizing the latest video update from Simon Parkes. He's been sworn to secrecy...
Today's show begins with the Donald Trump speech that took place in North Carolina yesterday afternoon. It wasn't anything outrageous,...
Today's broadcast begins with breaking news from the election fraud front as 'My Pillow' Mike Lindell releases his latest presentation;...
Today's show begins with Joe Biden and his bad boy behavior, especially in the presence of other people's children. What...
Welcome to a special Tuesday edition of 'Real News Live' following a holiday weekend. Since there was no show Monday,...
Today's broadcast begins with a message from Romana Didulo, founder and leader of 'Canada First.' She claims that she is...
Today's show was pulled down intentionally before YouTube decided to do it themselves (along with a potential strike and/or suspension)....
UFO stories are becoming a lot more prevalent these days, and even 60 Minutes is covering new developments with these...