March 28, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Welcome to The New American Media!

Well it’s been quite a ride. Although 2016 did not go exactly as I had planned it, the election certainly delivered everything I had hoped it would. That was really all that mattered anyway. The election of 2016 was unlike any other before, and its consequences would be incalculable. History was happening, and the future of the planet was on the line.

With that said, this election was far too important for me to watch from the sidelines. I had to be on the field for this one, immerse myself into it, and hopefully play a role in it somehow. This wasn’t about money, this was a mission to save the future; and I was all-in.

There was a war on reality, and a new era of journalism was challenging the existing order of things. The days of print-papers and network news were nearly over. The rise of the Internet and the ‘Information Age’ had changed everything. These days anyone could be their own reporter, create their own content, and challenge corporate media narratives.

As it turns out, I happen to be one of these new ‘journalists.’ Not because I wanted to be. Not because I was trained to be. I got involved because I had to. The mainstream-media had lost their trust, and could not be counted on to do their job anymore. We were being lied to, manipulated, and dumbed-down. The establishment and their controlled media needed to be beaten and exposed, and I was up for the challenge. And the ‘good news’ was that I now had a platform to finally do something about it.

Well I did, and five years later I was in attendance at the historical conventions of 2016. It was historic for the RNC, because the Republican establishment was taken over by an outsider (despite all their efforts to stop it). The DNC was historic in part because they were hacked. Their emails were exposed, and an exodus erupted. Their chairwoman even announced her resignation on the eve of the convention! The Democratic establishment was also nearly taken over by an outsider, but their dubious super-delegate defense-mechanism came into play and helped save the day.

Regardless, I was there in Cleveland and Philadelphia. I saw it all for myself and took pictures. I can say with certainty that it was absolutely worth the trip. The conventions were incredible, the people were amazing, and everything turned out better than I could have imagined. And I have it all documented.

Did 2016 turn out like I hoped it would? Not quite. But I did manage to write a game-changing mega-manifesto. An epic election guide. An unbeatable persuasive argument about the presidency. Of course I also went on a massive cross-country road trip, and created two YouTube documentaries about each of the conventions.

Although I have my limitations with audio/video editing, I can absolutely guarantee that these are the most original, informative, and entertaining videos you will find about the 2016 conventions anywhere. Do you want to know why the old news networks aren’t relevant anymore? Because they cannot compete with people like me, and I can prove it. Imagine that, some college-dropout turned Vegas bartender became a ‘gonzo journalist,’ and just outperformed the mainstream media?

Now maybe no one will notice, and no one will watch. I’ll be black-listed, censored, and ignored. They can hide me under the bed and pretend they’ve never heard of me. But you can’t hide the truth, and you can never take that away from me…

Welcome to the future. Welcome to The New American Media.

Special thanks to my friends who helped make the convention coverage possible:

Brian Engelman: RNC Cleveland. Founder of The New American Media.

Mike Kastelnik: DNC Philadelphia. Volunteer videographer.

The RNC:

The DNC:

Thanks for watching!

-Peace and Love

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About The Author

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