March 29, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

Zombified by Graphene Oxide?

Welcome to an extremely controversial opinion piece that you may want to skip over and dismiss entirely. Especially if you have been vaccinated already and are sensitive to violence. I make no medical or scientific claims since I am neither a doctor or scientist, so consider this post for entertainment purposes only. However, there is some interesting material here to share if you can handle the content. The first video goes into the alleged ingredients in the experimental Covid-19 vaccine. Some experts have claimed they contain an alarming amount of a toxic substance called “Graphene Oxide” that carries some electromagnetic properties. We will find out soon once the Pfizer vaccine elements are disclosed publicly as part of their agreement with their FDA approval processing.

Some have speculated that these experimental injections are associated with transhumanism and can be connected to 5G technologies. There is also a man in this video named Pierre Gilbert who predicted this dangerous possibility back in 1995. He referred to the ingredients as “liquid crystals,” but maybe that was before they invented the substance now known today as “Graphene Oxide.” But don’t take my word for it, take a look for yourself…

Do these experimental vaccines have the capacity to connect to electronics and be used against the population someday? Here is an extremely graphic and violent Hollywood representation of one possibility. A potential mind control technology embedded in this controversial gene therapy. Be warned!

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