12 Sitting Senators appear to have committed felonies by threatening Judges from the International Criminal Court! Were they justified in...
Did the media along with the J6 committee deliberately lie about a popular video featuring Josh Hawley? It shows him...
What is the real cause of the inflation situation? The Biden administration has been desperately trying to pin the problem...
In case you missed it, Senator Rand Paul ravaged Dr. Fauci in their latest exciting exchange on Capitol Hill. Despite...
The rogue and radical representatives in the Federal government have really outdone themselves this time. Apparently they've assembled a 2,700...
Today's episode of Real News Live begins with what should be the downfall of Dr. Fauci. He had an explosive...
Question: Is there some kind of limit on how far 'left' that a 'leftist' will 'go left' before they realize...