February 24, 2025


Welcome to the Next Level

The Broken Biden Exchange?

Is there a 60 day guarantee on this presidential selection? Because this Joe Biden character appears to be broken and beyond repair. It’s a bummer, but how long can we continue to pretend that things are okay? Does this man seem fit to be the leader of the free world in 2021? The following highlight/lowlight is embarrassing at best, and dangerous at worst. The good news is that it also happens to be highly entertaining.

note: “that outfit over there” is known to most people as ‘The Pentagon.

Critical thinking questions:

  • Do you feel safer knowing that good old Joe is in charge now?
  • What would happen if we left this guy alone with himself for a day?
  • Is he truly capable or competent without constant assistance?
  • If you had bought this Biden from a reputable retailer, should they make an effort to help you exchange this lemon of an executive?

Regardless, it might be a good time to investigate this matter before it’s too late. We just have to admit the problem and request a refund. And keep the nuclear codes away while we wait just in case. Not that Joe would know what they were or what to do with them anyway.

Staffers say Joe stays sharp by solving complex crossword puzzles with ease.

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